Joseph Mavingui – France
International Business Facilitator & Commercial Developer
Had graduated from the High Business School, BEM-MACI (Bordeaux Management School), France, in International Business Management and Trade.
Bachelor’s degree in foreign languages (English & Spanish) relevant for international business at the University of Bordeaux, France.
Professional Experience and track-record
More than 25 years of practical working and business experience.
For 7 years, he held the position of Purchasing and Sourcing Manager in the company MARINER SA of the French Group KINDY SA, where he led a team of 30 people. The targeted countries where he had carried out his business missions were : INDIA – PORTUGAL – THAILAND – TURKEY.
He has also worked individually as international business facilitator as well as in team with a group of Franco-Cambodian international business consultants specializing in assisting French, Belgian, Portuguese, Romanian and other international companies in planning and implementing business development strategies to perform technology transfer, joint venture, licensing or start commercial set up and agencies in targeted countries.
Some of the business which have trusted JM
Lab. Daniel Jouvance ( Group Yves Rocher ), France ; S.E.T.E.M, France ; Champace & Co. Ltd, Thaïlande ; ECODEC, Belgique ; Gunjan Paints, India ; Groupe CIN, Portugal ; ADIEC, Romania ; Solartech, France ; Metya Group, Tel-Aviv, Israel ; CISCO SA, Belgique, Metenexis, Greece, etc. etc.
In addition to his traditional expertise and working operations, together with a very serious partner in Accra, Ghana, JM is currently involved in pending projects to develop partnership venture in the areas of solar cold rooms, design and interior furnitures, real estate and residential projects, etc.